Saturday, September 10, 2011

NBDL Tryouts: Pay to Play...

The NBDL in correlation with Boost Mobile is holding its fifth annual league tryouts. On September 24th in Chicago and Los Angeles you can (possibly) tryout for the chance to be a part of the NBDL. Hopeful participants are to pay a $150 participation fee along with a $4.50 processing fee online or by money order.

Now I don't know much about forming leagues, but I do know that in my history of playing roundball I have NEVER had to pay to tryout for a team on any level.  Players trying out are doing the league as much of a service as the league is doing the players. Who knows, these tryouts could provide the next NBA superstar, or the one hundred and fifty dollars coupled with whatever plane and hotel fees accrued from out of town travelers fees could leave that player with a huge decision to make;  go for broke (literally) to find his dream or stay home and pay for the many fees that come with living. I myself am a little skeptical and a bit appalled at the fees to say the least.  This isn't a superstar dream camp...its a tryout you shouldn't pay to tryout. I'm sorry.

If you'd like to sign up you can do so at

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